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Careers in Niketha Multimedia

Graphics and animation the essentials of the IT Industry, changing its style day to day is always in search of experts in this field. Niketha with a broadened vision to create experts in this field, setting up a Multimedia Production Team and Live Project Training Centres.

Niketha heirs the expert in the Industry to handle the training division aiming to create intellects in multimedia. Our training division offers only the best, to which the student is looking for

Niketha leverages its unique style in designing the course and conducting the training. This attitude enables the students to master in web developments and animation. All aspects regarding the latest technology is updated, discussed and analyzed with all respects.

The course is structured to fulfill the aspiration of the younger generation to advance their scientific knowledge. Now Multimedia offer wide job opportunities in Advertising, Film and Web. Niketha Multimedia has been the pioneer in the field of multimedia training. Niketha trains you in the latest Multimedia and web technologies by update packages. Also, we explore the professional techniques using in production units

Our training division offers only the best, to which the student is looking for. Get trained, and be an expert in this field hundreds of chances awaits you. Don't hesitate Niketha is the choice and a career guarantee.

Now you will find the details of training programs that we offer which, we hope, would take you to new heights in your career.

Our Training Modules -

Multimedia Training

Live Project Training

BPO Training





Business class Email Hosting

y purchasing an Email Hosting package you can use your own Domain Name as part of your email address. This adds an additional level of professionalism in your day to day email communication

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