Nullamlacus dui ipsum conseque loborttis non euisque morbi penas dapibulum orna. Urnaultrices quis curabitur phasellentesque congue magnis vestibulum quismodo nulla et feugiat. Adipisciniapellentum leo ut consequam ris felit elit id nibh sociis malesuada.
Niketha is one among the outstanding names in Web Hosting industry, established in the early nineties. Under the eminent leadership of Mr. Prem Nath.R scheduling ahead to etch its footsteps and expand its wings to various fields like Architecture, Multimedia, E-commerce, Web Hosting and Tourism, Niketha with its professionalism and enthusiastic service has gained a name in the industry along with pioneers. The success of the group belongs to its talented technocrats working behind every project with true precision and dedication.
Graphics and animation the essentials of the IT Industry, changing its style day to day is always in search of experts in this field. Niketha with its broadened vision to create experts in this field, has setup a Multimedia Production Team and Live Project Training Centres. Niketha heirs the expert in the Industry to handle the training division aiming to create intellects in multimedia. Our training division offers only the best, for which the students are craving.
Niketha leverages its unique style in designing the course and conducting the training. This attitude enables the students to master in web developments and animation. All aspects regarding the latest technology is updated, discussed and analyzed.
BPO India is one of the popular business practices in today's competitive environment. The Indian BPO industry is constantly growing. Niketha Consultancy Service [NCS] provides a broad range of services from customer relationship management, back office transaction processing to industry-specific solutions. The key elements of online service delivery are an integrated approach towards providing excellent e-projects for optimizing business ventures in e--commerce. This involves a phased approach towards process standardization, process optimization and process re-engineering, with the ultimate objective of helping the business to attain vertical as well as horizontal growth.