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Social Media Optimization Service

What is social media?

Is it a public relations channel? Or is it customer relations channel?

Which manager owns social media?

In reality, social media is an entirely new channel that blends elements of marketing, PR and CRM, and that means integrating it into your existing organization can be a challenge.

We know how to use social media effectively, while avoiding channel conflict. We can coordinate your efforts and create buy-in across your organization.

You put effort into a post, spend hours planning it, crafting it and staffing it for approval. Then you push it live and within an hour it's gone, lost in your fans' social media stream.

How can you increase the life of your posts, keeping them at the top of your fans' stream?

We know how to extend the mileage of your Facebook posts to keep them in front of your fans. We know how to increase the visibility of your tweets and maximize clicks and retweets.

Our approach helps you engage passive followers, turning them into active participants in your social campaigns.

We're ready to help you optimize your social media marketing. Mail us :