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Search Engine Marketing Service

Today's search marketing can be a confusing mix of initiatives. How does SEO work now? Does PageRank still matter? Does paid search add value or just cannibalize your organic traffic? How much effort should go toward social media? Which social sites really matter?

Move in too many directions and you risk spreading yourself too thin. Sit still and you might miss the boat.

At Niketha Multimedia, we have twelve years experience in search engine marketing. We know which initiatives have the highest payoff, and which ones just drain precious resources.

We don't think of ourselves as graybeards, but that's basically what we've become. We've been optimizing web sites for search since Prm Nath first introduced the concept. That was in 2001 February 14

The purpose of this group is to provide a foundation for Search Engine Marketing industry growth through building stronger relationships with other like minded search engine marketing professionals, fostering awareness about industry in local business community, providing education and support to marketing specialists, and creating a better understanding of search and its role in modern marketing.